Porn on


Large database of favourite videos and photos is now available for your smartphone! Undoubtedly, this is the most comfortable application with adult content.

Daily updates with the freshest and best porn from all over the world. Meet Sosalkino now on Android platform!

Download and install


Stunning Videos
Hot albums
Porn models
Various categories

Security and anonymity

We have paid a lot of attention to the anonymity of our users. The application can be protected with a password so that no one else opens it without you.

You can mask the icon, so that nobody can figure out that you have got an app for adults :)

Download and install
Disguise the icon

Installation and update

In order to install the app, you are required to complete 4 simple steps
1 Step
Go to "Settings"
2 Step
Find your security
3 Step
Allow installation of
applications from
unknown sources
4 Step
Launch the
downloaded file
We periodically release the app updates and the app stops working, once the new update is released. Please, follow the following steps in order to install the updates:
Download the actual application file
Install it on top of the existing application,
and by doing so, all the application data will not be lost
If you cannot install the update,
then remove the applications from your smartphone and reinstall it.